€50,00 EUR

Forces of Nature (Spring workshop)

In Spring we recover The Creatrix

We will learn how to dance with the creative power of emergence and hold the creative tension of opposites. She is rooted in SOURCE, in her feminine depths.

She is the slow emergence force of the feminine that has been repressed and rushed in modernity.

In this masterclass we will play with:

  • Teaching + Deep Embodiment Practice + Transformational inquiry

    + Body-mind- breath

    + Nature

    + Feeling States

    + Goddess Archetypes

    + the Quantum field

Upon registering, you will receive your Zoom link closer to the event. 

Saturday 20th April: 4pm-6pm (Irish time)

Hope to see you there wise one, 

M x

*You will still have access to the video recording and supporting PDF document for one month after the Live event.